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Chat With GOD on Internet With IGod

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Chat With GOD on Internet With IGod

If you really feel like you need to talk about something but you don’t have anybody with whom you can talk right now then its best that you chat with GOD and share your emotions or problems.You can make confessions which will make you feel lighter and better.
Actually there is an online IGod application  which is an intelligence robot answering machine.The reply you get from IGod is very accurate and you never feel like you are chatting with an automated application.It is great application to spend time when you feel lonely.
So,Where you can Chat with God?


So,Where you can Chat with God?
  • IGod application can be accessed at here.
  • On there homepage click on the Enter button at right-bottom corner of the screen.
  • Now a new popup window will open asking you to select a skin for Chat Window.
  • After selecting click on Sign In button you are ready to chat with God.
You will really feel the conversation to be quite interesting as you would not be the only who would be sharing his  problems with God but you will also see God sharing emotions and problems with you.

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Tricks To Reset Memory card Password In Nokia

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Tricks To Reset Memory card Password In Nokia

If you have a symbian phone and you have forgotten your memory card then you can easily get your password by using this simple trick.This trick works only on nokia symbian phones not on the java phones.Before starting the tutorial on “Tricks To Reset Memory card Password In Nokia” Here are the the requirements
  • X-plore application (You can easily find its trial version for Free)
  • Nokia symbian mobile phone.
The X-plore application is used to view the data files of the phone.
Here Is the step by step tutorial For resetting the password.
1.       Install the X-plore application in your nokia phone.
2.       Now start your X-plore application and press 0(zero) button and select “ show the system files ”.This will make the X-plore application to show your system files.
3.       After completing the above step goto C:/Sys/Data/MmcStore
4.       Now press 3 button from your keypad and you will see options.Now click on the Hex-viewer option.This will make your phone to show files in hexadecimal.
5.       Look at the 3rd Column On the screen you will see a code like ! TMSD02G (c??”?x???6?2?6?2?6)  .Note down the numbers present between the ?.This is your memory card password.Like in this example the password is 62626.
6.       Now you can enter the password and view your memory card files or you can reset  your memory card password to a more memorable password.
Remember you can gain access to C:/Sys/Data/ if and only if you have set a password on your memory card,

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